Call for presenters!

2012.10.14. 16:55 Feminista Est

We are looking for presenters for the First Hungarian Feminist Pecha Kucha / Speaker’s Corner (draft-title), which is organized as a part of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence 2012. The goal of the event is to foster a dialogue between different feminist groups and individuals and to enhance their visibility in the public sphere. The format of the presentations is based on the Pecha Kucha presentation method which consists of a 7-minute-long speech and a 20-slide-long PowerPoint-presentation that is shown behind the presenters.

The ideal applicants are feminists who would like to share their feminist project with the public. The only criterion is that the presentations should be based on a feminist viewpoint. The underlining principle of the event is to present both academic and non-academic endeavors as well. Besides academic and artistic presentations, we strongly encourage applicants who perform feminist values on any other areas of life both on the shorter and longer run, such as grassroots community-building projects or lifestyle experiments (for example mother and baby clubs, community kitchens, flash mobs, free time clubs, self defense workshops, demonstrations, self-knowledge groups, feminist communes, subcultural clothing circles, self-help groups, blogs, online communities and so on).

The program is organized on a voluntary basis, so we cannot grant any remuneration  for the presenters. On the spot, we provide internet access, video projector and speakers. The language of the event is Hungarian, in case of non-Hungarian presentations, please note how you would solve the translation.

Time: 8 December 2012, 16:00-17:30

Place: Toldi Mozi, Budapest (1054 Budapest,  Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 36-38.)

The process of selection: Joining the event is possible via invitation or application. All applications will be published at The participants (maximum 10) will be selected by a jury of 5 members.

How to apply: 

Send us a 1300-word long paragraph at, containing:

  • The title of the presentation
  • The topic of the presentation
  • The social criticism message of the presentation (serious or playful)
  • The method of the presentation (it can be performed by a single person or a group, traditional or experimental, performative. We are open to a wide variety of presentations!)
  • The name and short bio of the presenter(s)

Please attach 5 illustrations (own photos, drawings, pictures, etc.). As Pecha Kucha presentations are strongly visual, the illustrations will be important factors in the selection process. Please also think of strong visual endorsement in case of academic topics as well.

Application deadline: 29 October 2012. All applicants will be informed via email by 12 November 2012.

More information at and via phone: +36302155271.

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Címkék: feminista english felhívás feminista est

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